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  • All variables must be initially defined with the let keyword
  • Variables can start in and return to an undefined state
  • Variables being used in an undefined state will throw a compile time error
  • Variables with an initially undefined state must have their type explicitly defined
  • A variable cannot be defined with the same name as a variable that is already in scope
  • At the end of a scope of which a variable was declared, if the variable is not undefined; the drop trait will be called if implemented for the type


name ::= ( "a".."z" | "A".."Z" | "0".."9" | "_" )+

declare ::= "let" <name> (":" <type>)? ("=" <expr>)? ";"
variable ::= <name> ( <access-static> | <access-dynamic> | <access-template> )*
  access-static ::= "." <name>
  access-dynamic ::= "[" <variable> ( "," <variable> )* "]"
  access-template ::= "#[" <type> ( "," <type> )* "]"

Last update: November 15, 2022